Never letting us fall…. Its not all just “Safety”.
Perhaps no better example of American’s belief in not falling was immortalized by an attorney, Francis Scott Keys as he witnessed the British navel seige on Fort William McHenry in our national anthem.
Before the atttack on the fort, Keys was on the deck of a British Man of War attempting to negotiate the release of imprisioned American patriots chained below decks. Prevented from leaving the ship as the battle began, he was witness to a day and night long attempt by the British fleet to take the fort.
An attempt to make America fall
The British Navel Commander sent word to the people in the fort to simply drop the American flag to the ground as a symbol that the American dream had fallen and that we would kneel before another human power.
“We The People” refused to fall
During the strongest of efforts to force the flag to come down, the symbol of our strength as a united people would waiver, would slip, but always stayed secure. It would stay, in site, in mind, to remind the Americans what we were protecting. Life, Liberty, Happiness.
The safety of America was protected to the end and the belief lived on.
After the overwelming force had done its worst, the symbol of American unity had not fallen. When Francis Keys and the British Commander entered the fort, they found a flag and its mount, badly damaged, leaning, but still standing. The flag representing America’s life had not fallen for one reason. The people protecting our symbol through so much hazard had come together using their resolve, their lives, and in the end, the physical remains of their humanity to continiously support, wright, protect, US-Americans.
All that kept, and keeps, the safety and security of America’s symbol flying, is the combined support of WE THE PEOPLE.
This July 4, 2021 please enjoy your family, friends, & co-workers, & the USA.
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