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Safety Training doesn’t have to mean “Down Time”

Jul 20, 2020 | Safety Training

As an OSHA complaince consultant and Safety Educator, I have often had production management say, “We would like to train more but it takes away from productivity time.” Besides, after they return to work, they only seem to retain a small amount of the information, or they forget it all together!” Even with a book handed to them, hardly anyone makes a point to go back and read the material unless it it placed directly in front of them. As an adult educator with 35+ years experince my response to this statement is:

“Productive training doesn’t just mean sitting in a classroom.”

At work, employees may use many different tools to complete a task.  Similarly, training can take place in many different ways. One effective tool is Passive Education.

What is Passive Education?

The average adult subconscously observes and remembers information all throughout their day.  According to the Psychology of Education, employees can be guided to continuously absorb information without sitting in a class. Unlike classroom training where we hear information and only retain a small part of the whole, repetitive “Visual” exposure to key information helps to promote key concepts, modifies behaviors and reinforces training ideals.  As employers, we need to follow a few simple rules to make passive education work.

“Passive Training” Get the Point Across & Reinforced

  1. Catch their attention with Hi Visibility colors. Workers notice what sticks out.
  2. Once “in their sites,” use bullet points to express key information.
  3. Be repetitive. Each time information is seen, a little more is absorbed.
  4. Keep the information readily available throughout the worksite and up front for all to see or discuss.
  5. Promote Safety in a positive way. Safety education is a perk from the employer to better their life.

Train Them Every Time They Dress For Work

Businesses are returning to full production. Current workers need updated Safety Training and new workers need to learn your company. Safety policies as part of their job.

Build a strong safety philosophy

Retrain and reinforce safety concepts, meet regulatory requirements, and build your company’s safety program.  With Safe-T-Shirts.com, employers keep Employee Safety Training up front, and in mind.